Source code for daf.actions

import inspect
import os
import re

import arg
import djarg

import daf.contrib
import daf.registry
import daf.utils

[docs]class ActionMeta(type): """A metaclass for validating and registering actions""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) if not cls.is_abstract: cls.check_class_definition() if not cls.is_abstract and not cls.unregistered: daf.registry._register_action(cls) return cls
[docs]class Action(metaclass=ActionMeta): """ The core Action class. Given an ``app_label`` and ``callable``, the Action class automatically generates attributes that can be overridden by a user. These attributes influence every interface built directly from the Action. Change attributes on the Action object to affect every interface. """ ### # Static action properties. # # Static action properties can only be set directly on the class. # These properties are all queryable in the action registry. ### @daf.utils.classproperty def name(cls): """The identifying name of the action""" return arg.s()(cls.func).func.__name__ #: The app to which the action belongs. app_label = '' @daf.utils.classproperty def uri(cls): """The URI is the unique identifier for the action.""" return f'{cls.app_label}.{}' @daf.utils.classproperty def url_name(cls): """The default URL name for URL-based interfaces""" return f'{cls.app_label}_{}' @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): """The default URL name for URL-based interfaces""" return os.path.join( cls.app_label.replace('_', '-'),'_', '-') ) @daf.utils.classproperty def permission_codename(cls): """ Returns the name of the permission associate with the action """ return f'{cls.app_label}_{}_action' @daf.utils.classproperty def permission_uri(cls): """ The full permission URI, which includes the "daf" app label under which all DAF permissions are saved """ return f'daf.{cls.permission_codename}' ### # Dynamic action properties # # Dynamic action properties can be set on the class or dynamically # determined with an associated get_{property_name} function. # Some dynamic properties will take different arguments depending on # the context of how they are called. For example, the success URL # is only obtained after a successful action run, so it contains # all returned values. ### @daf.utils.classproperty def display_name(cls): """The display name is used to render UI headings and other elements""" return'_', ' ').title() @daf.utils.classproperty def success_message(cls): """The success message displayed after successful action runs""" return f'Successfully performed "{cls.display_name.lower()}"'
[docs] @classmethod def get_success_message(cls, args, results): """Obtains a success message based on callable args and results""" return cls.success_message
#: The URL one goes to after a successful action success_url = '.'
[docs] @classmethod def get_success_url(cls, args, results): """Obtain a success url based on callable args and results""" return cls.success_url
### # Action running. # # The wrapper around the action function in constructed, and the # action itself can be executed with __call__. ### #: The main action callable callable = None #: The wrapper around the callable. Attach exception metadata #: by default for interoperability with other tools wrapper = arg.contexts(daf.contrib.attach_error_metadata) @classmethod def get_wrapper(cls): # A utility so that instance methods can safely access # the class wrapper variable. self.wrapper() will use # "self" as an argument when calling return cls.wrapper @daf.utils.classproperty def func(cls): """The function called by the action""" return cls.get_wrapper()(cls.callable) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A utility for calling the main action. Note that this is not used """ return self.func(*args, **kwargs) ### # Action interfaces. # # These properties are not meant to be overridden. They are # determined as interface classes are created for an action. ### # The interfaces registered to the action interfaces = {} ### # Abstract properties. # # These properties help in creating abstract actions. Abstract # actions are not registered and are used to build other actions. ### # True if the class is abstract. Note this property must be # overridden in each child class to declare it as abstract. abstract = True @daf.utils.classproperty def is_abstract(cls): """ True if the action is an abstract action, False otherwise Do not override this helper, otherwise actual abstract actions could appear as concrete """ return cls.__dict__.get('abstract', False) # True if the action should not populate the registry unregistered = False ### # Action class checkers. # # When actions are registered, class definitions are checked to ensure # actions are set up correctly. ### @classmethod def definition_error(cls, msg): raise AttributeError(f'{cls.__name__} - {msg}')
[docs] @classmethod def check_class_definition(cls): """ Verifies all properties have been filled out properly for the action class. Called by the metaclass only on concrete actions """ if not cls.callable: cls.definition_error('Must provide "callable" attribute.') if not re.match(r'\w+', cls.definition_error('Must provide alphanumeric "name" attribute.') if not re.match(r'\w+', cls.app_label): cls.definition_error( 'Must provide alphanumeric "app_label" attribute.' ) if len(cls.permission_codename) > 100: cls.definition_error( f'The permission_codename "{cls.permission_codename}"' ' exceeds 100 characters. Try making a shorter action name' ' or manually overridding the permission_codename attribute.' )
[docs]class ModelAction(Action): """ An action associated with a model. Requires that the ``model`` attribute point to the Django ``Model`` class associated with the action. Includes all of the core properties of `Action`, but also defines other properties and creates automatic default values for others: """ abstract = True #: The model the action is associated with model = None @daf.utils.classproperty def app_label(cls): """The app label to which this action belongs""" return cls.model_meta.app_label @daf.utils.classproperty def model_meta(cls): """The model._meta instance""" return cls.model._meta @daf.utils.classproperty def queryset(cls): """The main queryset, if any, the action is associated with""" return cls.model._default_manager.all()
[docs] @classmethod def check_class_definition(cls): """ Verifies all properties have been filled out properly for the action class. Called by the metaclass only on concrete actions """ super().check_class_definition() if not cls.model: cls.definition_error('Must provide "model" attribute.')
[docs]class ObjectAction(ModelAction): """ An action associated with a single model object. Similar to `ModelAction`, an `ObjectAction` updates a single model object. It requires an ``object_arg`` attribute which specifies which argument of ``callable`` is the model object. `ObjectAction` exposes an ``object`` variable that is automatically included as a default argument when running the wrapped callable. Allowing your function to take an ``object`` parameter will make it work seamlessly with object actions. By default, the ``wrapper`` for `ObjectAction` automatically: 1. Parametrizes the run of the individual callable over multiple objects if the ``objects`` parameter is passed to the callable. 2. Traps errors on each parametrized run of the callable and raises all trapped errors as one ``django.core.exceptions.ValidationError`` if more than one error is trapped in a parameterized run. 3. Automatically maps the ``object`` argument to the argument identified by the ``object_arg`` attribute. """ abstract = True #: The name of the object arg for the action callable object_arg = None # Object actions default to operating on "object" or "objects" # arguments. Object actions also trap individual errors and raise # aggregate errors by default @daf.utils.classproperty def wrapper(cls): return arg.s( arg.contexts(trapped_errors=daf.contrib.raise_trapped_errors), arg.defaults( objects=arg.first( 'objects', daf.contrib.single_list('object'), daf.contrib.single_list(cls.object_arg), ) ), arg.defaults(objects=djarg.qset('objects', qset=cls.queryset)), arg.parametrize(**{cls.object_arg: arg.val('objects')}), arg.contexts(daf.contrib.trap_errors), super().wrapper, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_class_definition(cls): """ Verifies all properties have been filled out properly for the action class. Called by the metaclass only on concrete actions """ super().check_class_definition() if not cls.object_arg: cls.definition_error('Must provide "object_arg" attribute.') func_parameters = inspect.signature(arg.s()(cls.func).func).parameters if cls.object_arg not in func_parameters: cls.definition_error( f'object_arg "{cls.object_arg}" not an argument to callable.' f' Possible parameters={func_parameters}' )
[docs]class ObjectsAction(ModelAction): """An action associated with multiple model objects. The action is similar to `ObjectAction` except one must define an ``objects_arg`` attribute that tells ``daf`` which parameter to ``callable`` takes the list of objects. The callable must work with a list of objects at once. By default, the ``wrapper`` attribute ensures passing an ``object`` argument will be automatically expanded into a single-element list (ensuring interoperability with object views). In contrast to `ObjectAction`, `ObjectsAction` cannot trap and re-raise multiple errors since it is up to the author of the bulk callable to handle raising multiple failures at once. `ObjectsAction` is intended to provide engineers the flexibility to optimize bulk routines if the automatic parametrization of `ObjectAction` is insufficient for their needs. """ abstract = True #: The name of the objects arg for the action callable objects_arg = None # Objects actions default to operating on "object" or "objects" # arguments. @daf.utils.classproperty def wrapper(cls): return arg.s( arg.defaults( **{ cls.objects_arg: arg.first( 'objects', daf.contrib.single_list('object'), cls.objects_arg, ) } ), arg.defaults( **{ cls.objects_arg: djarg.qset( cls.objects_arg, qset=cls.queryset ) } ), super().wrapper, )
[docs] @classmethod def check_class_definition(cls): """ Verifies all properties have been filled out properly for the action class. Called by the metaclass only on concrete actions """ super().check_class_definition() if not cls.objects_arg: cls.definition_error('Must provide "objects_arg" attribute.') func_parameters = inspect.signature(arg.s()(cls.func).func).parameters if cls.objects_arg not in func_parameters: cls.definition_error( f'objects_arg "{cls.objects_arg}" not an argument to callable.' f' Possible parameters={func_parameters}' )