Source code for daf.admin

import functools
import os

from django import shortcuts
from django import urls
from django.conf import settings
import django.contrib.admin.helpers as admin_helpers
import django.contrib.admin.options as admin_options
from django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_urls import add_preserved_filters
import djarg.views

import daf.actions
import daf.registry
import daf.views

[docs]class ActionMixin: """ All admins that use actions from ``daf`` must inherit this mixin. Attributes: daf_actions (List[`Interface`]): The list of action interfaces to be rendered on the admin. """ change_form_template = 'daf/admin/change_form.html' change_list_template = 'daf/admin/change_list.html' daf_actions = None @classmethod def get_daf_actions(cls): return daf.registry.interfaces(cls.daf_actions or []) def get_urls(self): return [ urls.path( interface.url_path + '/', interface.as_interface(admin=self), name=interface.url_name, ) for interface in self.get_daf_actions().filter(model=self.model) ] + super().get_urls() def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None): extra_context = extra_context or {} extra_context['daf_actions'] = [ ( interface.action.display_name, urls.reverse( f'admin:{interface.url_name}', kwargs={interface.pk_url_kwarg: object_id}, ), ) for interface in self.get_daf_actions().filter(type='object_view') if interface.is_visible(request) ] return super().change_view( request, object_id, extra_context=extra_context ) def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None): extra_context = extra_context or {} extra_context['daf_actions'] = [ ( interface.action.display_name, urls.reverse(f'admin:{interface.url_name}'), ) for interface in self.get_daf_actions().filter(type='model_view') if interface.is_visible(request) ] return super().changelist_view(request, extra_context) def get_actions(self, request): def _view(self, request, queryset, *, interface): preserved_filters = self.get_preserved_filters(request) url = ( urls.reverse(f'admin:{interface.url_name}') + '?' + daf.utils.build_objects_url_query_str( interface.url_query_arg, queryset, preserved_filters ) ) return shortcuts.redirect(url) return { **super().get_actions(request), **{ f'_daf_{}': ( functools.partial(_view, interface=interface), f'_daf_{}', interface.action.display_name, ) for interface in self.get_daf_actions().filter( type='objects_view' ) if interface.is_visible(request) }, }
[docs]class AdminViewInterfaceMixin: """ The base view used for any interface that is rendered in the Django admin. Similar to the Django admin, users can also define ``fieldsets`` for rendering fields from forms and ``readonly_fields`` declarations. Interfaces also have access to the ``admin`` attribute, which holds the instance of the Django admin class. Attributes: permission_required (bool): ``True`` if the permission associated with the `Action` class should be required to view and perform the action. Defaults to ``True`` or ``settings.DAF_ADMIN_ACTION_PERMISSIONS_REQUIRED``. """ namespace = 'admin' admin = None fieldsets = () readonly_fields = () template_name = 'daf/admin/action.html' hide_inline_formsets = True hide_object_tools = True @daf.utils.classproperty def permission_required(cls): return getattr(settings, 'DAF_ADMIN_ACTION_PERMISSIONS_REQUIRED', True)
[docs] @classmethod def is_visible(cls, request): """True if the interface is visible from the admin By default, returns False if permissions are required and the user does not have permission. """ if cls.permission_required: return request.user.has_perm(cls.permission_uri) else: return True
@classmethod def build_interface(self, *, admin, **kwargs): # The Django admin wraps all view functions in this decorator. # Unfortunately the code is buried in their admin and must # be copied here def wrap(view): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return admin.admin_site.admin_view(view)(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.model_admin = admin return functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, view) return wrap(super().build_interface(admin=admin, **kwargs)) @daf.utils.classproperty def changelist_url_name(cls): return f'admin:{cls.app_label}_{cls.model._meta.model_name}_changelist' @daf.utils.classproperty def change_url_name(cls): return f'admin:{cls.app_label}_{cls.model._meta.model_name}_change' def add_preserved_filters(self, url): preserved_filters = self.admin.get_preserved_filters(self.request) return add_preserved_filters( { 'opts': self.admin.model._meta, 'preserved_filters': preserved_filters, }, url, ) def get_success_url(self): changelist_url = urls.reverse(self.changelist_url_name) return self.add_preserved_filters(changelist_url) def get_fieldsets(self): return self.fieldsets or [ (None, {'fields': list(self.get_form().fields)}) ] def get_readonly_fields(self): return self.readonly_fields or [] def get_form_url(self, context): return '?' + self.admin.get_preserved_filters(self.request) @property def save_as(self): return self.admin.save_as @property def save_on_top(self): return self.admin.save_on_top
[docs] def get_change_form_context(self, context): """ This methods attempts to gather the same context the admin site gathers when it renders a changeform. The Django admin doesn't have a pretty way of getting this data since it is so tightly coupled with template rendering. """ form = context['form'] request = self.request model = self.admin.model opts = model._meta app_label = opts.app_label obj = context.get('object', None) form_url = self.get_form_url(context) view_on_site_url = self.admin.get_view_on_site_url(obj) fieldsets = self.get_fieldsets() formsets, inline_instances = self.admin._create_formsets( request, obj, change=not self.hide_inline_formsets ) readonly_fields = self.get_readonly_fields() admin_form = admin_helpers.AdminForm( form, list(fieldsets), self.admin.get_prepopulated_fields(request, obj), readonly_fields, model_admin=self.admin, ) media = + # The inline formset code is copied from django's code. It has # not been used in practice yet and has no tests inline_formsets = self.admin.get_inline_formsets( request, formsets, inline_instances, obj ) for inline_formset in inline_formsets: # pragma: no cover media = media + has_editable_inline_admin_formsets = True if inline_formsets else False has_file_field = admin_form.form.is_multipart() or any( admin_formset.formset.is_multipart() for admin_formset in inline_formsets ) # The admin admin also sets this variable request.current_app = return { **self.admin.admin_site.each_context(request), 'title': self.action.display_name, 'adminform': admin_form, 'original': obj, 'is_popup': False, 'to_field': None, 'media': media, 'inline_admin_formsets': inline_formsets, 'errors': admin_helpers.AdminErrorList(form, formsets), 'preserved_filters': self.admin.get_preserved_filters(request), 'add': False, 'change': bool(obj), 'has_view_permission': self.admin.has_view_permission( request, obj ), 'has_add_permission': self.admin.has_add_permission(request), 'has_change_permission': self.admin.has_change_permission( request, obj ), 'has_delete_permission': self.admin.has_delete_permission( request, obj ), 'has_editable_inline_admin_formsets': ( has_editable_inline_admin_formsets ), 'has_file_field': has_file_field, 'has_absolute_url': view_on_site_url is not None, 'absolute_url': view_on_site_url, 'form_url': form_url, 'opts': opts, 'content_type_id': ( admin_options.get_content_type_for_model(self.admin.model).pk ), 'save_as': self.save_as, 'save_on_top': self.save_on_top, 'to_field_var': admin_options.TO_FIELD_VAR, 'is_popup_var': admin_options.IS_POPUP_VAR, 'app_label': app_label, 'hide_object_tools': self.hide_object_tools, }
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) return { **context, **self.get_change_form_context(context), 'is_daf_action': True, }
[docs]class ModelViewInterface( AdminViewInterfaceMixin, daf.views.ModelViewInterface ): """ The base interface used by any admin views that require a model. Currently all admin views require a model, so this needs to be the parent class for every admin view. If this is the base class, the action is rendered in the toolbar on the model change list page. """ @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): return os.path.join('action','_', '-')) @daf.utils.classproperty def url_name(cls): return ( f'{cls.app_label}_{cls.action.model_meta.model_name}_' f'{}_action' )
[docs]class ObjectViewInterface( AdminViewInterfaceMixin, daf.views.ObjectViewInterface ): """ The base interface for object views in the admin. These are rendered in the toolbar of the object detail page. """ @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): return os.path.join( f'<path:{cls.pk_url_kwarg}>', 'object-action','_', '-'), ) @daf.utils.classproperty def url_name(cls): return ( f'{cls.app_label}_{cls.action.model_meta.model_name}_' f'{}_object_action' ) def get_success_url(self): # If the user selects "submit and continue editing", redirect them # back to the detail page. if '_continue_editing' in self.request.POST: change_url = urls.reverse( self.change_url_name, kwargs={'object_id': self.kwargs[self.pk_url_kwarg]}, ) return self.add_preserved_filters(change_url) else: return super().get_success_url()
[docs]class ObjectsViewInterface( AdminViewInterfaceMixin, daf.views.ObjectsViewInterface ): """ The base interface for objects views in the admin. These are rendered in the dropdown menu of the change list page. """ @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): return os.path.join( 'objects-action','_', '-') ) @daf.utils.classproperty def url_name(cls): return ( f'{cls.app_label}_{cls.action.model_meta.model_name}_' f'{}_objects_action' ) def get_form_url(self, context): return '?' + self.build_url_query_str(context['objects']) def build_url_query_str(self, objects, additional_query_str=''): return super().build_url_query_str( objects, self.admin.get_preserved_filters(self.request) )
[docs]class FormView(ModelViewInterface, djarg.views.FormView): """ For constructing form views in the admin. Using this as the base class for an admin view will render it in the toolbar on the change list admin page for the model. """
[docs]class ObjectFormView(ObjectViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectFormView): """ For constructing object form views in the admin. Using this as the base class for an admin view will render it in the toolbar on the detail admin page for the model object. """
[docs]class ObjectsFormView(ObjectsViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectsFormView): """ For constructing objects form views in the admin. Using this as the base class for an admin view will render it in the dropdown menu of bulk actions on the change list admin page for the model. """
[docs]class WizardAdminViewInterfaceMixin: """ Overrides fieldset getters for wizards so that fieldsets can be defined for each step in Django admin views. """ def get_fieldsets(self): fieldsets = self.fieldsets or {} return fieldsets.get( self.steps.current, [ ( None, {'fields': list(self.get_form(self.steps.current).fields)}, ) ], )
[docs]class WizardViewInterface(WizardAdminViewInterfaceMixin, ModelViewInterface): """The base interface required by any admin wizard view. Renders buttons in the same location as `ModelViewInterface`. """
[docs]class ObjectWizardViewInterface( WizardAdminViewInterfaceMixin, ObjectViewInterface ): """The base interface required by any admin object wizard view. Renders buttons in the same location as `ObjectViewInterface`. """
[docs]class ObjectsWizardViewInterface( WizardAdminViewInterfaceMixin, ObjectsViewInterface ): """The base interface required by any admin objects wizard view. Renders buttons in the same location as `ObjectsViewInterface`. """
[docs]class WizardView(WizardViewInterface, djarg.views.WizardView): """ The base view class for making wizard views in the Django admin. Using this view as the base class renders a wizard view in the toolbar for the main change list page on the model admin. """
[docs]class ObjectWizardView( ObjectWizardViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectWizardView ): """ The base view class for making object wizard views in the Django admin. Using this view as the base class renders a wizard view in the toolbar for the main detail page on the model object admin. """
[docs]class ObjectsWizardView( ObjectsWizardViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectsWizardView ): """ The base view class for making wizard objects views in the Django admin. Using this view as the base class renders a wizard view in the dropdown menu alongside other bulk actions on the change list page in the model admin. """
[docs]class SessionWizardView(WizardViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionWizardView): """ Same as `daf.admin.WizardView`, but uses a session backend by default. """
[docs]class SessionObjectWizardView( ObjectWizardViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionObjectWizardView ): """ Same as `daf.admin.ObjectWizardView`, but uses a session backend by default. """
[docs]class SessionObjectsWizardView( ObjectsWizardViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionObjectsWizardView ): """ Same as `daf.admin.ObjectsWizardView`, but uses a session backend by default. """