Source code for daf.views

import os.path

import arg
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import permission_required
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import apnumber
import djarg.views

import daf.contrib
import daf.interfaces
import daf.permissions
import daf.utils

[docs]class ViewInterface(daf.interfaces.Interface, djarg.views.SuccessMessageMixin): """ Base interface all action views must inherit. Automatically wraps the action with ``daf.contrib.raise_contextualized_error``, which will raise errors contextualized based on various factors. """ type = 'view' wrapper = arg.contexts(daf.contrib.raise_contextualized_error) @classmethod def build_interface(cls, **kwargs): view = cls.as_view(**kwargs) if cls.permission_required: view = permission_required( cls.permission_uri, raise_exception=True )(view) return view
[docs]class ModelViewInterface(ViewInterface): """ The base view used by any views that are directly associated with a model. Verifies that any action used by the view are subclasses of `ModelAction`. """ type = 'model_view' @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): return os.path.join( cls.action.app_label.replace('_', '-'), cls.action.model_meta.model_name.replace('_', '-'),'_', '-'), ) @classmethod def check_interface_definition(cls): super().check_interface_definition() if not issubclass(cls.action, daf.actions.ModelAction): cls.definition_error( f'Action "{cls.action.__name__}" is not ModelAction subclass.' )
[docs]class ObjectViewInterface(ModelViewInterface): """ The base interface for any object-based views. """ type = 'object_view' @daf.utils.classproperty def url_path(cls): # TODO: Implement functionality for slug kwargs as well. return os.path.join( cls.action.app_label.replace('_', '-'), cls.action.model_meta.model_name.replace('_', '-'),'_', '-'), f'<int:{cls.pk_url_kwarg}>', ) def get_success_message(self, args, results): success_msg = super().get_success_message(args, results) return success_msg + f' on {self.object}'
[docs]class ObjectsViewInterface(ModelViewInterface): """ The base interface for any bulk object views. """ type = 'objects_view' def get_successful_and_failed_objects(self, form): # Obtain all successful/failed objects and all parametrized objects # based on the errors in the form failed_objects = set() all_objects = set() for errors in form.errors.values(): for error in # We don't test the "else" of this branch since we currently # have no test case for a non-parametrized bulk objects view. if ( # pragma: no branch hasattr(error, '_arg_call') and error._arg_call.parametrize_arg_val is not None ): failed_objects.add(error._arg_call.parametrize_arg_val) all_objects = set(error._arg_call.parametrize_arg_vals) if all_objects: successful_objects = all_objects - failed_objects ret_val = { 'successful_objects': list(successful_objects), 'failed_objects': list(failed_objects), } if successful_objects and failed_objects: ret_val['dismiss_failures_url'] = ( f'{self.request.path}?' f'{self.build_url_query_str(successful_objects)}' ) return ret_val else: return {} def get_success_message(self, args, results): success_msg = super().get_success_message(args, results) model_name = self.action.model_meta.verbose_name if len(results) > 1: model_name = self.action.model_meta.verbose_name_plural return ( success_msg + f' on {apnumber(len(results))} {model_name.lower()}' ) def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context_data = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) return { **context_data, **self.get_successful_and_failed_objects(context_data['form']), } def build_url_query_str(self, objects, additional_query_str=''): return daf.utils.build_objects_url_query_str( self.url_query_arg, objects, additional_query_str )
[docs]class FormView(ViewInterface, djarg.views.FormView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``FormView`` on an `Action` """
[docs]class ObjectFormView(ObjectViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectFormView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``ObjectView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction` """
[docs]class ObjectsFormView(ObjectsViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectsFormView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``ObjectsView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction`. """
[docs]class WizardView(ViewInterface, djarg.views.WizardView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``WizardView`` on an `Action`. """
[docs]class ObjectWizardView(ObjectViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectWizardView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``ObjectWizardView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction`. """
[docs]class ObjectsWizardView(ObjectsViewInterface, djarg.views.ObjectsWizardView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``ObjectsWizardView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction`. """
[docs]class SessionWizardView(ViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionWizardView): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``SessionWizardView`` on an `Action`. """
[docs]class SessionObjectWizardView( ObjectViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionObjectWizardView ): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``SessionObjectWizardView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction`. """
[docs]class SessionObjectsWizardView( ObjectsViewInterface, djarg.views.SessionObjectsWizardView ): """ For constructing a ``django-args`` ``SessionObjectsWizardView`` on an `ObjectAction` or `ObjectsAction`. """